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Pai's Policies

Yu-Ching Pai's Stances on Issues


(Week 2)

  • Yu-Ching Pai has experience with over 800 small businesses and knows all of the issues that come with owning them

  • Aims to provide free financial consultancies and seminars to help them flourish

  • Wants to establish a council of entrepreneurs to help residents economically recover

  • Promotes the development of business fair where people can advertise their products

  • Wants to revitalize the local economy

  • Wants better quality education for children and young adults

  • Wants to maintain the SHSAT but provide free SHSAT prep classes

  • Wants to develop better education strategies that allow children and young adults to have better educational standards

Transportation/Housing (Week 3)


  • The transportation system in NYC is inefficient, and there has not been sufficient change despite funds dedicated to improving it.


  • Yu-Ching Pai will divert these funds from nonessential sources into bettering the subway system.


  • Subway crimes have always been a concern, especially now with the recent rise in hate crimes.


  • Pai will increase the amount of security in public places, especially the subway so that riders feel safer.


  • Homelessness is an issue all over the city, however housing rates in our District 20 have been lower than ever-- which is extremely great!


  • Despite this, Pai still believes in further improvement. He wants to provide programs and free counseling to help the disadvantaged get back on their feet.


Safety/Pandemic Response (Week 4)

  • Yu-Ching Pai wants District 20 to be safe from crime, drugs, gangs and violence.


  • Pai stands by improving relationships between the police and the community.


  • Furthermore, he wants to hold the police accountable for their actions and preserve integrity for people and police officers​


  • He wants proper and rapid law enforcement response.


  • He advocates for a fair, unbiased and non-discriminatory criminal justice response


  • He also wants there to be fair criminal justice processes for victims of domestic violence and hate crimes


  • He believes first responders during the pandemic that are at currently at risk of losing their jobs should be praised and rewarded, not punished


  • He promotes reopening the city in as safe a way as possible (by keeping a mask mandate and such) because of the low mortality rate of COVID and loss of millions in revenue.


  • He also wants more access to financial relief services and grants to face the global crisis of COVID-19


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